  • Chambers and Blohm Psych Services
  • Chambers and Blohm Psych Services
    is located at 309 North Mandan Street Bismarck, ND. 58501 and can be contacted by calling 701-323-0924. Chambers and Blohm Psych Services offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • Binge drinking (consuming 4 or more drinks per occasion for women; 5 or more drinks per occasion for men) is responsible for over half of the deaths and two-thirds of the YPLL (years of potential life lost) due to excessive drinking, and is associated with many health and social problems, including alcohol-impaired driving, interpersonal violence, risky sexual activity, and unintended pregnancy.
  • Alcohol use by persons under age 21 years is a major public health problem. Alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug among youth in the United States, more than tobacco and illicit drugs.
  • In 1996, six million children under age 18 lived with a parent who was dependent upon alcohol.
  • A survey in nightclubs of people who consumed energy drinks showed that seventy-six percent used energy drinks with alcoholic beverages, some reporting that they do so in order to 'reduce' alcohol depressant effects while others do it to 'increase' the alcohol stimulant effects.

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